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Seda attend a Civic Reception with the Mayor of Stockport to celebrate King’s Award win

On Monday 15th July, we had the privilege of attending a civic reception, hosted by the Mayor of Stockport, Councillor Suzanne Wyatt, inside the impressive surroundings of Stockport Town Hall.

We were also joined by Leader of Stockport Borough Council Councillor Mark Hunter, Immediate Past Mayor of Stockport Councillor Graham Greenhalgh, Deputy Lieutenants Mr Paul Brearley JP, Mr Gerry Yeung OBE and Rev Charles Kwaku-Odoi, who all joined us to celebrate our achievement of being Stockport’s only recipient of the King’s Award for Enterprise 2024.

During the reception, we discussed Seda’s exceptional growth, future growth potential through our investment and expansion into GMP manufacturing, our rapidly expanding global Client portfolio and the positive impact this is having on the local economy and our ability to create new, high-skilled jobs in the region.

A special thank you to Madam Mayor Suzanne for hosting this wonderful event and for the opportunity to connect with the other Council leaders and Deputy Lieutenants.

We welcome the opportunity to continue this collaboration with our local community leaders to drive positive change into the Stockport eco-system.

About King’s Awards for Enterprise
The King’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious business awards in the UK. The awards were first established in 1965 and since then over 7000 companies have achieved a King’s Award. 2024 marks the second year of The King’s Awards for Enterprise, reflecting His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s by recognising outstanding UK businesses.

The awards celebrate the success of exciting and innovative businesses which are leading the way with pioneering products or services, delivering impressive social mobility programmes, or showing their commitment to excellent sustainable development practices.

This year 252 businesses have been recognised for their contribution to International Trade, Innovation, Sustainable Development and Promoting Opportunity (through Social Mobility). A total of 257 Awards are made with five companies being recognised with two Awards.

The King’s Awards for Enterprise 2024 include:
• 161 Awards for International Trade
• 59 Awards for Innovation
• 29 Awards for Sustainable Development
• 8 Awards for Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility)

Congratulations to our fellow Kings Award winners. Click here for the full list.