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Introducing Seda Clinical Manufacturing Services (CMS) 

Seda announce the launch of Seda Clinical Manufacturing Services (CMS), a new and complementary division of the Seda group of companies formed to facilitate a seamless transition from the development of investigational medicinal products through to their GMP manufacture, testing and supply. This will enable us to provide a more complete, end-to-end service to our clients. 

Seda Clinical Manufacturing Services has separate facilities, staff and quality systems to those of our Pharmaceutical Development Services division and for ease, is co-located on the same campus. 

Seda CMS will strive for the same exceptional quality standards you have come to expect from Seda Pharmaceutical Development Services. 

As part of our comprehensive product design service, we will continue to identify and implement the most suitable formulation and manufacturing technology to meet the specific needs of each molecule and clinical programme. 

Exterior of manufacturing facility

When clinical manufacture can be supported by Seda CMS, we will offer the opportunity of a smooth transfer of the product to our manufacturing facility. If the required technology or scale of manufacture is outside of Seda CMS’s current capabilities, we will continue to assist our clients in selecting and transferring the product to the most suitable third-party CDMO within our global network. 

Commissioning and qualification of our new, state of the art facility is complete and is available for manufacture and testing of establishment batches now, with approval for GMP supply anticipated from Q4 2024.  

To enquire about our GMP manufacturing services or the full product development package offered by the Seda group, please contact us at