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Appointment of Van Thuy Truong (Senior Scientist: Modeller)

Seda are excited to welcome Van Thuy Truong (Senior Scientist: Modeller) to our growing ADME and Modelling Sciences team. Van joins to expand our capacity to support clients in DMPK Consultancy and Dose Selection and Pharmacokinetic Modelling. 

Van earned an industrial PhD in applied mathematics from University of Leeds and AstraZeneca, where she developed agent-based models to simulate cancer population behaviour and their interaction with immune cells. She also used computational models to study effects of combination treatment on the tumour immune response and their effects on cancer cell population and tumour immune interaction. She has developed stochastic equations to obtain the time to extinction of a heterogeneous cell population, created reinforcement learning algorithm (artificial intelligence method) to optimise cancer combination treatment with hybrid PKPD agent-based models and worked on tools to analyse agent-based models (stochastic equations, ODEs). 

At Seda, Van will be working with clients to provide scientific Clinical Pharmacology and DMPK input, study design and provide interpretation and analysis of client data.  With her background in pharmacy and experience in QSP and PKPD modelling, Van builds Seda’s modelling sciences capability, enhancing our ability to integrate clinical pharmacology into meaningful drug product design in a timely manner. 

Seda provide PK modelling services for the integration of data to mitigate the risks of drug properties impacting drug absorption and uncovers the relationship between dose, exposure and biological effect. As clinical development progresses Population PK and Population PKPD modelling becomes increasingly important in the decision-making process. 

Please join us in welcoming Van Thuy Truong, Senior Scientist: Modeller, to the Seda team.